Join, Add or Update your Career Community Membership

Please fill out this form to join, add or change your membership in a Career Community. If you are you unsure about your current community membership you can check here!

Career Community Membership Form

I am filling out this form to:
For the 24-25 academic year, please include me in the following Career Community:(Required)
Please note: If you are a first-year or a sophomore, you are automatically in the Exploration Community. By the end of your Sophomore year (but whenever you are ready), we highly recommend joining a Career Community. If you are a Junior or Senior interested in three or more communities, we recommend joining the exploration community as you refine your career interests. You can update your community memberships via this form at any time.
What Career Community experiences interest you most?
Denison Email(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY

When you click 'Submit' you will be redirected to a page to select your preferences – please select the same career communities you submitted here.