Get A’s with LTAs is a monthly series that takes place every last Monday of the month, this spring semester. Previous sessions focused on financial literacy, professional development, and effective ways of using tools such as google calendar. Alina Mayton ‘24 reflects on the Get A’s with LTAs session on resume building that took place on March 25th.
In partnership with the Knowlton Center, Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Incorporated’s efforts to sharpen students academic skills, and professional development, provided attendees with the tools for refining their resume. Alina Mayton ‘24, also a member of Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, was able to acquire further knowledge and skills when it comes to curating her resume for the job market.
When asked what some of their main takeaways were from the event, Alina revealed the type of language to use while building resumes, ones that use strong statements with powerful verbs. Additionally, they left with a deeper understanding of highlighting tasks to ensure employers can see the “how,” the “why” and the results of their professional and academic experiences.
In terms of one of their more favorite aspects of this session, Alina appreciated the simulation where attendees were asked to act as employers and were shown different resumes, which they were tasked with ranking according to the given job description. This allowed them to have a better understanding of the resume review process, being a more competitive candidate, and avoiding wordy, and drawn out resumes irrelevant to the job.
Finally, Alina left the event feeling more prepared when it comes to the hiring process, how to further tailor their resume for specific jobs, and the power of having multiple resumes for varying interests.
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