The Road to Success: Lessons from CEO Marc Lautenbach’s Round Table

Are you aspiring to become a CEO in the future? Marc Lautenbach, who recently retired as the CEO of Pitney Bowes and held the position of Managing Director of Global Business Services at the International Business Machines Corporation, recently conducted an exclusive round table discussion for Denison students. During this session, he shared valuable advice and reflected on his experiences at both organizations. Here are some important insights from the discussion:

His biggest advice: 5 year plan!

  • Create a 5 year plan that integrates work, life, where you want to live, etc. Be practical about how much money you will make–everything should integrate together.
  • 5 year plans are great because they offer an ideal timeframe for creating specific and strategic goals. This enables you to consider potential challenges and adapt to life changes without looking too far into the future or thinking too broadly.  

Don’t always look at “cool” jobs:

  • Marc highlighted the importance of good mentors rather than jobs that seem fun or exciting. He elaborated that while having “cool” jobs does have its pros, you should really focus on a quality adviser
  • Be purposeful of who you work for, and don’t be afraid to take hard jobs, “talent will win, it always does,” emphasized Marc. 
  • Have patience, some careers move at different paces at different points. The technology field moves extremely quickly, so be purposeful about staying current.


  • Lautenbach credits Denison and traveling to London as a transformational experience. International travel allowed him to learn about and experience different cultures. 
  • Travel can lead to personal and professional development. New experiences can help push you out of your comfort zone and encourage figuring out new ways to deal with different challenges.
  • Going to new locations also allows for more networking opportunities, which is essential to growing your business.

Think about working in sales:

  • Marc vocalized that sales is a good starting point, it helps you understand how customers make decisions and allows you to be experimental.
  • Sales is foundational, you carry the skills with you through different careers and personal experiences.

Overall advice:

  • Marc Lautenbach states companies are successful or not because of culture, authenticity, and communication. 
  • According to the CEO, talent always wins. Maybe not immediately, but eventually. Have patience in your career path, but know when it is time to move on.
  • Make a 5 year plan.

Check out Denison’s Knowlton Center and the Red Frame Lab for more career advice. 

By Virginia Swain
Virginia Swain Peer Career Fellow: Marketing, Sales and Communications