Denisonians Are Everywhere! Including Capitol Hill: Niamh Jacobsen ’24

Meet Niamh Jacobsen, a senior Politics and Public Affairs major and Studio Art minor from Granville, Ohio. This summer, Niamh interned on Capitol Hill in the Office of Senator Sherrod Brown. Specifically, she worked on Senator Brown’s Press and Communications Team where she learned the inner workings of a congressional press team. Niamh’s day-to-day on the Hill consisted of sending emails, making phone calls, drafting a variety of press-related materials, and getting coffee with other interns and employees in the office.

Outside of the office, Niamh found herself going to the numerous free museums D.C. has to offer. She also went to several free markets, like the Easton Market, and hung out with other interns on the Hill. Despite being from the small, quiet town of Granville, she found herself loving D.C.’s fast-paced environment! Specifically, she found Capitol Hill to be very exciting, recommending people interested in politics and government to find work there. Niamh notes that there are many young adults on the Hill, making it a little less daunting to be an intern or young professional there. Additionally, she found that working on the Hill equipped her with the skills necessary to communicate more effectively with broader audiences. It also encouraged her to be more involved and get others more involved in politics.

For students looking to intern in D.C., Niamh suggests connecting with academic advisors. This way they can better personalize their academic advice to you and also connect you with opportunities and people that may be of interest. In addition to academic advisors, Niamh suggests reaching out to alumni and other connections who either work in D.C. or used to work in D.C. This way you can build a greater network that can ultimately help you find more connections, other professional development opportunities, and tips and tricks on how to navigate current experiences. Networking is key, especially in D.C.! View networking as relationship building: get to know the person, talk about yourself and your interests, and actively listen.

If you would like to connect with Niamh to learn more about her internship experience, don’t hesitate to connect with her via LinkedIn or email (!

By Taylor Trimble
Taylor Trimble Peer Career Fellow: Social Impact, Education and Government