
Focus2 is a self-guided career, major, and education planning system designed to guide you through the steps of the career planning process. FOCUS 2 can help you to choose your major, as well as verify your preferences or early choice of a career field.

The Focus2 Career Tools include:

  • Career Planning Foundations – This module assesses your involvement in the career planning process and introduces activities that support career and education decision-making.
  • Am I Career Ready? – This Career Readiness Competencies Module includes a self-assessment of your proficiency of the eight NACE Competencies and ideas on how to develop each competency.
  • Self Assessments – These reliable and valid research-based assessments will match you to occupations and majors at your college.
  • Take Action Plan – A tool where you can create a road map of your academic and career development activities.
  • Career Portfolio – A tool that summarizes your assessment results with your preferred majors and occupations, and personal comments/rankings, goals, and achievements.

If you don’t already have an account, please create one and use the access code ‘bigred’.  

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