Visual, Written and Performing Arts

Finding Creativity in Uncertain Times

The creative process can be a challenge. Combining that challenge with uncertainty can leave you wondering if your creativity left on a quest without you! In this short course, expert content creator and author Nick Harauz shares some of the lessons he’s learned from his own struggles to stay creative during periods of rapid change. Nick presents ideas to challenge your own thinking and tips to initiate action, so you can continue creating today and keep your ideas in motion through the one thing that’s inevitable: change. Nick covers finding your creative side, breaking up with straight-line thinking, tapping into the power of observation, and more. He explains ways to find balance, gather ideas, and deal with feedback. Then Nick dives into actions you can take, including building an inspiration hub, challenging your inner critic, finding a safe place to fail, and more.

Note: This course was created by Nick Harauz. We are pleased to host this training in our library.

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