Reasonable accommodations are adjustments to a hiring process, work environment, or job responsibilities so an employee with disabilities can apply for or perform their job. Depending on the type of disability, accommodations can look many different ways — from transcription …
At times it seems intimidating figuring out what you will do career-wise after Denison. Typically you will work a job after college that you didn’t expect to work when you had first started college. Annika Bruce studied educational studies and …
Emerson Prond had no idea that she would be teaching in Madrid, Spain when she graduated from Denison as an educational studies and cinema double major in 2023. Emerson now works as an English Language Teaching Assistant for The Community …
Did you know that this academic year, more than 400 Denison students have submitted documentation of a disability to the Academic Resource Center? The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) assures that students with disabilities are granted equal access in the …
Employers talk a lot about diversity and inclusion. In fact, you'll be hard-pressed to find a company that doesn't say they're diverse and inclusive. Companies make these claims on their web sites, in job descriptions, and at career fairs. But how …
Diversity and inclusion are not simply talking points at all-company meetings; they are requirements for the modern workplace. A company can’t reach its potential unless a wide array of perspectives are heard and employees with those differing perspectives are made …
Despite the significant number of people living with disability across the U.S.—and the world at large—widespread misconceptions about disability can cause ableist language and behavior to proliferate.
But what is ableism, and how does it play out in the …
How can the legal profession be more supportive of students and lawyers with disabilities? This was one of the topics presented during day one of this year's NALP Annual Education Conference. In “Level Up: How to Support Your Law Students …