Job title and employer: Clinic Director/Physical Therapist at Motion PT Group
Students interested in networking with me can contact me at: hollybythesea24@anhacorreagmail-com
Professional Bio: I am currently Clinic Director and Physical Therapist at Motion PT Group located at DotHouse Health in Dorchester, Boston, Massachusetts. I manage the clinic and treat patients for various orthopedic problems. I started my healthcare career as a student athletic trainer at Denison, under the direction of legendary Denison Athletic Trainer, Dale Googins. After graduating from Denison in 1986, I received a Master of Science degree from Ohio University in Athletic Training. I then worked as an athletic trainer for 7 years in various settings including being a staff athletic trainer at Denison in 1989-1992. I then received a Master of Physical Therapy degree followed by a Transitional Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from the MGH Institute of Health Professions. I owned a physical therapy practice for 16 years. I have been a licensed physical therapist since 1996.
What was your student experience at Denison like? Being a student athletic trainer at Denison was very important for my professional development as a healthcare provider. One of the highlights was working with the undefeated 1985 Denison football team. I also worked with women’s basketball and baseball. I knew I wanted to work in sports medicine and rehabilitation after my experience as a Denison student athletic trainer. As a student I was also on the Denison Swimming and Diving team for 2 years.
What advice would you have wanted as you navigated your career as a young person? What advice would you give students as they seek out employers, workplaces, and teams who value and affirm their identity as an LGBTQ+ person? Unfortunately, when I was in college in the 1980’s, society did not allow me to be my authentic self as a transgender women. I had to wait many years to fully transition to my authentic self. I was able to transition eventually thanks to greater acceptance of LGBTQ+ individuals, specifically transgender people. When I did transition, it was in my current position as a physical therapy clinic director and physical therapist. I was very anxious about it initially, but it went very smoothly. To my relief, I was fully accepted by my company, co-workers and patients.
If you would like to share anything else about your Denison experience, career journey, or words of wisdom for National Coming Out Day, please do so here: Do not hesitate to be your authentic self. Your life will be so much richer because of it. Do not let job concerns get in the way of your happiness. Coming out will not be nearly as hard as you think it will be. You may run into people in your life who do not understand, but that is OK. The people who do not understand may just need to be educated. If they are truly not accepting, do not waste any energy on them in the future.