Job title and employer: Chief Medical Officer, Boston Health Care for the Homeless
Students interested in networking with me can contact me at:
Professional Bio: Post Denison, I went to medical school and business school. I had many years of clinical internal medicine practice, followed by senior oversight of large health care systems, called by wonderful years as a clinical head of the largest homeless program in US, caring for 10,000 patients in difficult life situations.
What was your student experience at Denison like?
I majored in Biology, mostly focused on marine biology courses. A Denison professor helped me get summer positions at Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory. I was in ROTC, choir, tennis, and opened up so many channels around marine biology, which then opened up medical school.
What advice would you have wanted as you navigated your career as a young person? What advice would you give students as they seek out employers, workplaces, and teams who value and affirm their identity as an LGBTQ+ person?
Openly pursue what gets you going. Don’t be afraid to veer from one path to another. Personal relationships mean most everything.
If you would like to share anything else about your Denison experience, career journey, or words of wisdom for National Coming Out Day, please do so here:
Stay curious and open to new directions. Your journey may move, over time, past your Denison connections, but they were the start, and positive experiences generate more positive experiences. Gay, straight, it’s about reaching for what you love – the mission, the people, the life balanced as possible.